File an Appeal/Waiver Request
Any aggrieved party that wishes to appeal a USAC decision must first file an appeal with USAC to seek review before filing an appeal with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Appeals for the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program (Pilot Program) can be filed using the following email address: Once USAC has made a decision on an appeal, the party may appeal USAC’s decision to the FCC.
Parties seeking a waiver of FCC rules (e.g., waiver of a deadline) should file a waiver request directly with the FCC because USAC cannot waive FCC rules. Waiver requests must be submitted using the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) and submitted under WC Docket No. 23-324. Please remember that the FCC Form 484 contains confidential information and should be delivered to the Secretary’s Office pursuant to sections 0.457-0.459 of the FCC’s rules and submitted as a confidential filing. Additional information is available at How do I submit a Confidential Filing?” FAQ on the FCC’s website.
Deadline for Filing an Appeal/Waiver Request
You must file your Pilot Program appeal or waiver request within 30 days of the date USAC issued the decision. See 47 C.F.R. § 54.2012 of the FCC’s rules on filing a Pilot Program appeal/waiver request. Please note that this is a shorter timeframe than the appeal filing deadline in the E-Rate program.
Note: If the deadline to file an appeal/waiver request falls on a weekend or on a federal holiday, the appeal/waiver request is also considered on time if you file it (or it is postmarked) by the first business day following that weekend or holiday.
What to Include in an Appeal
The following information must be included in your letter of appeal/waiver request:
- The applicant or service provider must use WC Docket No. 23-234 to file an appeal or waiver request for the Pilot Program.
- Information about the applicant or service provider who is filing the appeal or waiver (e.g., entity number, service provider’s 498 ID/SPIN, if applicable).
- Contact information including name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person who can discuss the appeal or the appeal/waiver request in detail.
- Documentation of USAC’s decision (e.g., copy of the USAC decision or decision letter being appealed).
- A precise explanation of the relief sought through the appeal or, if filing a waiver request, the rule the applicant or service provider seeks to have waived.
- Any supporting documentation such as forms and previous correspondence.
If you fail to submit the necessary information to USAC or the FCC within the time prescribed for the appeal or waiver request, it may result in the denial of your appeal or waiver request.
USAC will review all appeals and respond with its decision in writing. For further Pilot Program appeal and waiver request requirements, see 47 C.F.R. § 54.2012.