ACP Enrollment and Claims Tracker

Important News: The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has ended for now due to lack of additional funding from Congress. 

Scroll down to see ACP enrollment data, or click on the links below to jump directly to a specific table:

EBB & ACP Funding Summary

The claims reimbursement process was revised to reflect the enrollment pause of the ACP. Following the FCC’s Wind-Down Order, providers now have 2 months to file claims for reimbursements of ACP benefits passed through to households.

All claims data is as of 8/1/2024, and this webpage was last updated on 8/29/2024.

*Total reflects 2 % reserved for program administration costs as permitted by 47 U.S.C. § 1752 (i)(3).

**There was a 60-day transition from the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program to the Affordable Connectivity Program in January 2022 and February 2022. Households that were enrolled in the EBB Program as of December 31, 2021 continued to receive a monthly benefit of up to $50 during the transition period.

​*** The Commission set aside up to $100 million for ACP-related outreach.  See Affordable Connectivity Program, WC Docket Nos. 21-450 and 20-445, Order, FCC 22-2, at 90-91, para. 193 (2021).

​​​**** Congress directed the Commission to use $10 million appropriated to carry out other directives from Division F of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law toward the Broadband deployment locations map.  Provisions establishing the Affordable Connectivity Program are also contained within Division F, and to fulfill this requirement, the Commission was required to dedicate up to $10 million from the $14.2 billion appropriated for the Affordable Connectivity Program for the Broadband deployment locations map. See 47 U.S.C. § 1704(h).

Note: On December 31, 2021 the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program. The EBB Program ended on December 31, 2021 with 9,048,536 households enrolled. For more information on EBBP enrollments, please visit USAC’s EBBP Enrollments and Claims Tracker.

ACP Funding Summary by Geography

The ACP Funding Summary by Geography file shows a summary of total ACP support claimed by state, county, ZIP code, and congressional district. USAC will continue to update the data on a monthly basis. Monthly totals may adjust as new claims are submitted or as past claims are revised.

Total Households at Enrollment Freeze

Effective February 8, 2024, the ACP stopped accepting new enrollments. As of the date of the enrollment freeze, there are 23,269,550 households enrolled in the program, of which 22,940,091 were non-Tribal and 329,459 were Tribal.

The following files include EBB and ACP households and claims by zip code and county. USAC will continue to update the data on a monthly basis. Previously, these files included both enrollment and claims data. However, starting on November 1, enrollment and claims data are published in separate files.

Providers begin certifying claims on the 1st of the month for the prior data month (i.e., for example, on May 1 providers can begin to certify claims for the April 2022 data month). To be reimbursed within the current month, providers must certify the claims by the 15th of that month.

ACP providers have up to two months to submit original claims or upward revisions of previous claims. ACP providers must fully pass through ACP support to eligible households each month in the form of a discount regardless of when they file a claim for reimbursement. Each month, we will update the data to reflect claims certified during the two-month window.

All files include verification method, which refers to the process used to verify consumer eligibility for the EBB/ACP. The methods are defined as follows:

  • Lifeline: Lifeline subscribers are eligible to participate in ACP. If a Lifeline subscriber wants to enroll in ACP, USAC systems verify their Lifeline status before completing the ACP enrollment.
  • National Verifier Application: Consumers can apply to participate in ACP via National Verifier.
  • Alternative Verification Process (AVP): Providers have the option to obtain FCC approval for an AVP that they can use in addition to, or instead of, the National Verifier. Providers with approved AVPs may verify eligibility directly.
  • Verified by School: Providers may rely on schools to verify eligibility under the free and reduced price school lunch or breakfast program.

For more information on the households and claims data fields, refer to the Data Dictionary.

Zip Code Data

This Zip excel file allows users to view the total enrolled households by zip code as of February 8, 2024.

The Zip Code files allow users to view the total enrolled households by zip code and data month with a breakout by verification method. The columns that represent new enrollments for each category reflect the change in subscribers from the prior month, which include all newly enrolled subscribers net of subscribers who may have been de-enrolled. The file also includes claims by zip code and data month with breakout between monthly broadband service and connected devices. A small number of claims may occur via manual processes outside of the system due to FCC-issued waivers or other ad-hoc processes. Those claims are not reflected in this table.

ZIP code-level data is redacted in some cases to protect the identity of ACP subscribers. USAC redacts any ZIP codes meeting the criteria developed by the FCC to protect subscriber privacy and to reduce the risk of identification of enrolled households. ZIP codes are excluded if their estimated population is below 50, if a population estimate for the ZIP code is not available in the American Community Survey, if there are fewer than 1,000 enrolled households in a ZIP code and those households comprise most of a ZIP code’s estimated population, or if the number of households in a ZIP code equals or exceeds the population estimate range for that ZIP code. Enrollments in redacted ZIP codes are consolidated and labeled as 00000 in the file.

County Data

This County excel file allows users to view the total enrolled households by county as of February 8, 2024.

The County files allow users to view the total enrolled households by county and data month with a breakout by verification method. The columns that represent new enrollments for each category reflect the change in subscribers from the prior month, which include all newly enrolled subscribers net of subscribers who may have been de-enrolled. The file also includes claims by county and data month with breakout between monthly broadband service and connected devices. A small number of claims may occur via manual processes outside of the system due to FCC-issued waivers or other ad-hoc processes. Those claims are not reflected in this table.

Note: Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) codes are numbers that uniquely identify geographic areas. The number of digits in FIPS codes vary depending on the level of geography. State-level FIPS codes have two digits; county-level FIPS codes have five digits–of which the first two are the FIPS code of the state to which the county belongs.