Eligible Services

Classification of Category One and Category Two services

Q1: Are costs for applicant-owned wide area networks (WAN) now eligible as Category One services?
Q2: What is a WAN for the purposes of the E-Rate program?
Q3: How are connections between buildings of a single school classified?
Q4: What if the different schools or libraries are located on the same campus? Are the connections installed between them eligible for Category One support?
Q5: Isn’t a connection that crosses a public right-of-way eligible for Category One support, and any fiber connection that does not cross a public right-of-way an internal connection?
Q6: So, in the high-rise example above, if three floors of the building are occupied by instructional facilities of a single school, the connections installed between the floors occupied by the single school would be internal connections?
Q7: What about a single school campus that is intersected by a public right-of-way, with instructional buildings located on either side of the public right-of-way? Would the connections between all of the instructional buildings be internal connections?
Q8: What about a single school with multiple campuses that are located miles apart? Would connections installed between the instructional buildings on the different campuses be internal connections?

Voice Services

Q10: Are data plans and air cards still eligible?

Bus Wi-Fi

Q12: Is Wi-Fi on school buses eligible?
Q13: What school vehicles are eligible for Wi-Fi?
Q14: What are the restrictions for Wi-Fi on school buses?
Q15: Can a security camera be used on the bus?
Q16: How many providers can there be for school bus Wi-Fi?
Q17: How does school bus Wi-Fi factor into competitive bidding?
Q18: How do I seek bids on school bus Wi-Fi?
Q19: Are portable Wi-Fi devices for buses eligible for E-Rate?
Q20: If buses equipped with Wi-Fi are parked, may the Wi-Fi be available for educational purposes by allowing students and/or teachers to log onto the Wi-Fi with their credentials?
Q21: Can applicants request installation/configuration services for existing district owned bus Wi-Fi equipment?  For example, a district that has Wi-Fi equipment installed in a school bus owned by a transportation company would be contracting with a new company and wants to have the district-owned Wi-Fi equipment removed from the former bus company’s buses and installed in the buses of the new bus transportation company. 

Wi-Fi Hotspots

Q22: Who is eligible for Wi-Fi hotspots? 
Q23: Who is ineligible to receive Wi-Fi hotspot devices funded through E-Rate? 
Q24: Can you receive E-Rate funding for hotspots for virtual students? And how should virtual students be counted as part of enrollment? 
Q26: Can we use E-Rate funding to support a 1:1 hotspot initiative? 
Q27: If we already have hotspot devices with active services, can we request E-Rate support for this?
Q28: How do the hotspot budgets work?   
Q29: Where does the Category One discount rate used to calculate my budget come from in the first year that I apply for Wi-Fi hotspots? 
Q30: How is the school’s full-time student count or the library square footage determined? 
Q31: Are kindergarten students included in the student count for the budget calculation?  
Q32: According to FCC Order 24-76, applicants may not request more than 45% of their three-year budget in any one funding year. What does this mean?  
Q33: Is there a funding floor for the Wi-Fi hotspot program? 
Q34: When do I round when calculating my hotspot budget? 
Q35: How do the cost caps limit my budget? 
Q36: What if I purchase equipment or services that cost more than the funding caps? 
Q37: If the cost of the equipment or service is more than the funding cap, could an applicant apply for a grant to pay for the rest of that device or monthly service?  
Q38: If you have secured a contract at costs lower than the capped amount for service and device, are you able to request more quantity to serve more students/patrons? 
Q39: Can applicants and/or service providers seek reimbursement to the funding caps? 
Q40: Do E-Rate funded hotspots need to be used for educational purposes?  
Q41: Can applicants request extra replacement devices? 
Q42: What is the difference between “warehoused” hotspot devices and hotspot devices that have not been checked out yet?  
Q43: How long can my school or library lend a Wi-Fi hotspot?  
Q44: What happens if a student doesn’t use the Wi-Fi hotspot for more than 90 days (like in the summer)? 
Q45: If the hotspot gets disconnected due to not being used for 90 days, is there a way to have those devices reconnected? If they can get reconnected, can they still be eligible for E-Rate funding? 
Q46: If a line of service is terminated due to non-usage, can service providers bill the schools for what is not covered by E-Rate?  
Q47: What records do I need to keep if I request funding for Wi-Fi hotspots? 
Q48: Are libraries required to collect signed user statements to demonstrate unmet need for off-premises Wi-Fi hotspots like the Emergency Connectivity Fund? 
Q49: How do I apply for Wi-Fi hotspots on the FCC Form 470?  
Q50: Should the Wi-Fi hotspot and the service be requested on two separate FCC Forms 471? 
Q51: Is an RFP required for Wi-Fi hotspots or service? 
Q52: What are the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requirements for the Wi-Fi hotspot initiative? 
Q53: Can applicants apply for more wireless Internet access lines than Wi-Fi hotspot devices or must they request an equal number of lines and devices? What if the applicant already bought Wi-Fi hotspots through other means (e.g., Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) or other funding sources)?
Q54: Can an applicant request more Wi-Fi hotspot devices than wireless Internet access lines just in case the devices are lost, stolen, or stop working? 
Q55: Can applicants request Wi-Fi hotspot devices and pair them with private network services or wireless Internet access purchased via another funding source? 
Q56: Do we have to purchase all of our Wi-Fi hotspot devices/lines of service at once or can we stagger the purchases based on student or library patron needs? 
Q57: Can applicants continue using a pre-existing Wi-Fi hotspot service contract?