
These tools provide access to public E-Rate Program data including commitments and disbursements.

E-Rate Open Data Explained

USAC uses program-specific Open Data tools to easily visualize and interact with our datasets. Through this page, users can explore data about schools and libraries that participate in and receive support through the E-Rate program. These tools and data are necessary for E-Rate success and are explained below.


Open Data Tools are pre-built user-friendly interfaces, connected to a specific dataset, that lets users filter and export data in an easier way. Tools are designed for a specific purpose to be more convenient for users, can be a mixture of tables and charts, and may include only select columns and/or pre-set filters. E-Rate Open Data Tools are extremely useful in navigating the program.


Open Datasets hold raw data collected from the E-Rate program systems and related forms submitted by applicants. Datasets are typically large, arranged in a table, include all columns, and do not have any pre-set filters. Datasets can be used to build tools or views and will likely need to be filtered or summarized in some way for use.
Note: When exporting (downloading) data into a spreadsheet, the XLSX Export Format is useful. For more useful tips, check out our Open Data webinars.

Key E-Rate Tools Available in Open Data

Funding Tools

Search Commitments Tool

Provides commitment data from FCC Form 471 applications starting in Funding Year 2016 (FY 2016). Users can filter and export a detailed funding report to different formats (e.g., CSV for Excel) as well as explore the data through various summary charts. This tool provides an improved user interface for filtering and downloading the data from the E-Rate Request for Discount on Services: FRN Status (FCC Form 471 and Related Information).

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How do I view the committed and disbursed amounts for funding requests filed by my BEN in a specified funding year?
  • Which school districts, in a specific state, have received committed E-Rate funding from my SPIN?
  • Can I create a graph showing the year-to-year funding commitment trends for libraries requesting MIBS service in my state? Yes, you can.

FRN Status Tool FY2016+

Provides funding request data including funding status, funding wave data, disbursements, Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) Status, and Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL). View the training video to learn more about this tool.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • What is the commitment status of my FRN?
  • Are any of my FRNs pending PIA outreach?
  • Has an FCC Form 486 been submitted and approved for my FRN?
  • Has the service provider associated with the FRN filed a SPAC (FCC Form 473)?
  • How much funding was requested, committed, and disbursed for my FRN?

Window Reporting Tool

Provides the latest data from the E-Rate FCC Form 471 applications filed in the most recent application filing window. This tool provides an improved user interface for filtering and downloading the data from the E-Rate Request for Discount on Services: Basic Information (FCC Form 471 and Related Information) and E-Rate Request for Discount on Services: FRN Status (FCC Form 471 and Related Information).

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How much funding has been requested over time, during the application window?

Entity and Service Provider Tools

Entity Search Tool

Provides entity information about schools, school districts, library systems, libraries, consortia, and non-instructional facilities (NIFs) including entity name, number, type, parent entity and physical and mailing location. Watch the video walkthrough to learn more about this tool.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How can I see if my school signed up for the E-Rate program?
  • What are the current student counts for a school?
  • What is the discount rate for my BEN?
  • How many school districts in a state participate in E-Rate?

Service Provider (SPIN) Download Tool

Provides service provider profile data found in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC). This data includes contact information for the service provider organization, as well as for the general contact and account administrator. Also included is service provider filing information for the FCC Form 473 and FCC Form 499.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • Is the Service Provider an active participant with E-Rate?
  • What years has the Service Provider completed the Service Provider Annual Certification form (Form 473/SPAC)?
  • Does the Service Provider have a Doing Business As (DBA) organization set up?

Budget Tools

Wi-Fi Hotspot Budget Calculator

Provides a calculator to allow users to estimate entity budgets for Wi-Fi Hotspots, a new eligible service beginning in Funding Year 2025. Users select the entity’s Category 1 discount rate and enter student count or library square footage to calculate the three-year budget and single funding year cap.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • What is my estimated total Wi-Fi hotspot budget for three-years and my estimated Wi-Fi hotspot budget single funding year cap?

Category Two (C2) Budget Tool FY2021+

Provides information about applicants’ Category Two (C2) budgets based on the most recent entity profile and commitment data available. FY2021-2025 Category Two (C2) Budget Management Guide.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • What is my remaining C2 budget for this current cycle?
  • Can I check if already committed C2 funding was not invoiced before the invoicing deadline? Note: These commitments can be reduced and the C2 funding can be made available for the current budget cycle (i.e., FY 2021 to FY 2025) if the applicant submits an FCC Form 500.

FCC Form 470 Tools

FCC Form 470 Download Tool

Provides applicant and information on the requested service and equipment details including contact information, application number, Billed Entity Number (BEN), funding year, service type, function, links to FCC Form 470 documents and related Request for Proposal (RFP) attachments, and other related information from the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC). Allows for filtering and downloading the data from the E-Rate Form 470 Tool Dataset.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How can a service provider search for applicants seeking bids for products and services for the upcoming funding year?

FCC Form 471 Tools

FCC Form 471 Download Tool

Provides the ability to view and download data from all FCC Form 471 datasets starting from FY 2016 and forward from a single screen, including:

  • A PDF copy of the original FCC Form 471 application in the 471 Basic Information dataset.
  • Current program deadlines (e.g., Service Start Date, Invoicing Deadline Date) for all Funding Request Numbers (FRNs) in the FRN Status dataset.
  • All FCC Form 471 data for the original FRN and any subsequent changes made post-commitment (e.g., FCC Forms 500, Service Substitutions, SPIN Changes, or Appeals).

Watch the video walkthrough to learn how to use the tool.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • Where can I get a PDF copy of the FCC Form 471 for an applicant?
  • How do I find a list of the FRNs pending approval of services for a specific school?

Invoicing Tools

FRN Invoice Deadline Tool

Provides the ability to search, view, and download invoice-related data including invoice filing deadline dates, funds remaining for invoicing, and invoicing mode (e.g., BEAR vs. SPI). View the training video to learn more about this tool.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How can I check to see the last day to invoice for an FRN and decide if I want to file a 120-day invoice deadline extension?
  • What is my approved funding commitment and is my FRN ready for Invoicing? (FCC Form 473 status, FCC Form 486 status)
  • Can I check to see expired C2 funds available to return to my C2 budget via FCC Form 500?

Invoice Disbursements Data Lookup Tool

Provides invoicing data for applicants, service providers, and other stakeholders so they can track invoice lines completed and authorized for disbursement. The dataset includes invoice lines authorized starting from July 1, 2016, and forward and does not include in-process, pending, or cancelled invoice lines. The dataset includes invoice and FCC Form 471-related data so users can filter and sort the data accordingly. Watch the video walkthrough to learn how to use the tool.

This tool answers questions such as:

  • How can I view payment information such as reduced and/or zero dollar paid lines?
  • How can I view the reasons for these reductions?

Click here for Archived Tools.