FCC Form 479 Filing
Each consortium member submits the FCC Form 479 (Certification by Administrative Authority to Billed Entity of Compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act Form) to its consortium leader to provide notification of the administrative entity’s status of compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Purpose of FCC Form 479
Consortium members (specifically the entities of the schools or libraries that make the relevant certifications for the purpose of CIPA, known as the Administrative Authorities) file FCC Forms 479 with their consortium leader to notify the consortium leader of their status under CIPA. After the consortium leader has collected all the FCC Forms 479 from the consortium members, the consortium leader completes the FCC Form 486. The FCC Form 479 is not submitted to USAC.
When to File FCC Form 479
Consortium members should submit the FCC Form 479 to the consortium leader in time for the consortium leader to file an FCC Form 486 with USAC.
Deadline: The consortium leader cannot complete the CIPA certification on the FCC Form 486 without completed FCC Forms 479 on file. Note that if the FCC Form 486 is filed after the FCC Form 486 deadline, USAC will adjust the service start date and funding may be reduced.
FCC Form 479 Resources
FCC Form 479
After Filing FCC Form 479
Because this form is not submitted to USAC, USAC does not issue a letter in response of receipt.