Tribal Library E-Rate Advocacy Program (T-LEAP)
Tribal libraries play an important role in their communities, especially in connecting to the digital world. Traditionally, Tribal libraries and Tribal college and university (TCU) libraries that serve as public libraries in their communities have not participated in the E-Rate program due to barriers of entry. To help close this digital divide, the FCC recently made changes to the program, making it easier for Tribal libraries to apply for funding and participate in the program.
With the establishment of the permanent Tribal Library E-Rate Advocacy Program (T-LEAP), Tribal and TCU libraries can now receive direct support in navigating the E-Rate application process, including one-on-one assistance when preparing applications, applying to the program, and receiving E-Rate support. This includes sharing information about program rules and requirements, providing training on how to use the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC), and walking through the competitive bidding and application processes. The program also supports participants during the invoicing and other post-commitment processes, including the service confirmation and Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) certification or service substitution requests.
The goal of the T-LEAP is to learn what training and support is most useful to new Tribal library applicants to enhance E-Rate training materials and simplify the application process. The T-LEAP seeks to gain an understanding of the applicant experience to increase participation and streamline the E-Rate program requirements, particularly for Tribal applicants.
Learn more about the FCC’s efforts to support Tribal libraries:
- On July 20, 2023, the FCC adopted a Report and Order amending program rules to enhance Tribal applicants’ access to the E-Rate program.
- On October 29, 2024, the FCC announced the new permanent that Tribal Library E-Rate Advocacy Program (T-LEAP) will be replacing the Tribal Libraries Pilot Program beginning Funding Year (FY) 2025. Interested Tribal Libraries can sign up here.
Upcoming Training
- There are no upcoming T-LEAP trainings, please check out the E-Rate Webinars page.
The T-LEAP was created for Tribal libraries that are new to the E-Rate program or had challenges applying to the E-Rate program in the past and were unsuccessful. Tribal libraries must be able to demonstrate that they have three basic characteristics of a library, including:
- Regularly scheduled hours;
- Staff; and
- Materials for library users.
Tribal government entities can designate a library as a Tribal library (for example, through a Tribal Resolution). Tribal libraries may also work with the state library administrative agency where they are located.
TCU libraries are eligible for E-Rate funding as long as they also serve as a public library for their community and meet the characteristics of a library outlined above.
T-LEAP Expectations
Tribal libraries that are selected to participate in the FY2025 T-LEAP will be notified this fall.
Each library will be paired with an E-Rate Tribal Library Advocate (TLA) who will provide one-on-one support throughout the E-Rate application process. USAC will also provide group training sessions for participants in the T-LEAP.
In addition to the targeted training and support, USAC will host a series of virtual E-Rate program trainings that cover the program basics and processes. Any Tribal libraries interested in applying for E-Rate funding is encouraged to attend these trainings.
Each participating library will work with their TLA to complete the E-Rate program cycle. The TLA will provide hands-on support through the competitive bidding and application processes, as well as the invoicing and disbursement processes.
Participants are expected to provide feedback about the E-Rate application and post-commitment processes, so that we can continue to simplify and enhance the training and program experience for Tribal library applicants.
Overview of the E-Rate Application Process
In the T-LEAP, E-Rate program staff will support participating libraries through the full application cycle.
For most applicants, this process includes:
- Determining the library’s IT needs and identifying E-Rate eligible services
- Conducting competitive bidding
- Completing the E-Rate application process
For participating libraries that are approved for funding, program staff will then provide support through:
- Starting services
- Invoicing for E-Rate approved services and equipment
- Post-commitment processes, such as service and equipment substitution (if needed)
See the E-Rate Tribal Applicants FAQ webpage for Tribal specific E-Rate questions.
If you have questions about the T-LEAP or E-Rate program, please visit the E-Rate program webpage or contact Gem Labarta, USAC’s Tribal Liaison, at