
Q1: What is a data month?
Q2: What is a snapshot?
Q3: Can I prorate my claim for a half month of service?
Q4: When do I use the Lifeline Claims System (LCS) vs. FCC Form 497?
Q5: Who should I list as the “contact person”?
Q6: What is new/different, and what’s the same as the FCC Form 497 process?
Q7: How do I access LCS?
Q8: Where is the claims input template?
Q9: Subscribers are missing from my template/snapshot. How do I fix it?
Q10: For my Tribal subscribers, why is the system only letting me claim $9.25?
Q11: Do I have to download and upload the sheet every month?
Q12: I got an error. What do I do?
Q13: What about NLAD opt-out states (California, Texas, and Oregon)?
Q14: Are there instructions? Where should I go for help?
Q15: When should I use FCC Form 497?
Q16: How do I know if I have access to the online FCC Form 497?
Q17: I get an error message when I try to log into E-File through the link on the website. How do I access the online FCC Form 497?
Q18: I don’t remember my password. How can I get a new one?
Q19: Can I submit an online FCC Form 497 for a new ETC or new service area (study area)?
Q20: Can I revise forms originally submitted offline?
Q21: Do I need to re-enter all the data for a revised FCC Form 497?
Q22: I saved/certified my data but when I click “Exit to 497 Search” I receive the following message: “Any unsaved data will be lost. Are you sure you want to return to the Form 497 Search page?” Will I lose my data when I exit?
Q23: I successfully certified my data. Will I receive a confirmation email?
Q24: Can I enter more than one FCC Form 497 at a time (bulk upload)?