
Letter of Agency (LOA) (HCF Program Consortia Only)

If you are an HCP that is not owned or controlled by the leader of the consortium you would like to join, you must file an up-to-date letter of agency (LOA) with USAC. The LOA authorizes the consortium leader to file forms and act on your behalf in matters related to the HCF Program. The LOA is written by the participating HCP and is addressed to the consortium leader. The consortium leader will then upload the LOA in RHC Connect.
To learn more, visit the Letter of Agency web page.

Letter of Exemption (LOE) (HCF Program Consortia Only)

If you are an HCP owned or controlled by the leader of a consortium participating in the HCF Program, you must file letter of exemption (LOE). The LOE authorizes the consortium leader to file forms and act on your behalf in matters related to the HCF Program. The LOE is written by the participating HCP and should be addressed to “USAC review staff” or “to whom it may concern” and cover the funding years for which the consortium is seeking funding.
To learn more, visit the Letter of Exemption web page.

Third Party Authorization (TPA)

If you are a health care provider (HCP) participating in the HCF or Telecom Program, and a consultant or other third party will file forms on your behalf, you must file a third party authorization (TPA). A TPA provides written authorization to the third party/consultant to complete and submit forms on behalf of the HCP or consortium. In addition to giving the third party authority to complete and submit forms on your behalf, the TPA acknowledges that you, the HCP, accept financial and legal responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations in the forms and/or documents submitted by the third party.
To learn more, visit the Third Party Authorization web page.



The material on these webpages is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting the RHC program rules, orders, and other primary sources of information. Applicants and service providers are ultimately responsible for knowing and complying with all RHC program rules and procedures.