Step 5: Review Your Funding Commitment Letter (FCL)

Once your funding request is approved, USAC emails a Funding Commitment Letter (FCL) to all account holders and service providers associated with that funding request number (FRN).

Once your funding request is approved, USAC emails a FCL to all account holders and service providers associated with that FRN.

The FCL includes the support amount based on the duration of expected service as well as other information about your funding request, including evergreen contract details if the contract was approved as evergreen. You should review the FCL to ensure the Billing Account Number (BAN) is correct, confirm the actual start and actual end dates of service, and confirm that all other information is accurate. If you have any questions about the information in the FCL, contact RHC at If you disagree with any information in the FCL, submit an appeal by emailing

You can also download your FCL through RHC Connect. For more information, download the tip sheet How to Find your FCL in RHC Connect.