Sample Documents
Sample RFPs
A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a formal bidding document that describes a project and desired services in detail to ensure an effective competitive bidding process. If you use an RFP, you must submit it with your FCC Form 461 or Form 465 (Request for Services Form).
Sample LOAs (HCF Program only)
If you are an HCP that is not owned or controlled by the leader of the consortium you would like to join, you must file an up-to-date letter of agency (LOA) with USAC. The LOA authorizes the consortium leader to file forms and act on your behalf in matters related to the HCF program.
- LOA for FCC Forms 460, 461, 462, and 463 (Recommended)
- LOA for FCC Form 460 only
- LOA for FCC Form 461 only
- LOA for FCC Forms 462 and 463
- LOA for FCC Forms 461, 462, and 463
Third Party Authorization
If you are a health care provider (HCP) participating in the HCF or Telecom program, and a consultant or other third party will file forms on your behalf, you must file a third party authorization (TPA).