
These tools provide access to public E-Rate Program data including commitments and disbursements.

Open Data

Open Data

Open Data sets are available for the Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) program including data from FCC Forms 470, FCC Forms 471, and information about entities, consultants, and annexes.

Open Datasets

View the full list of E-Rate Open Datasets to access all of the data submitted by program participants. These datasets support API integration and exporting to multiple formats.

Funding Tools

Data Retrieval Tool (DRT)

This tool provides information related to applications, funding commitments, and disbursements for Funding Year (FY) 2015 and prior.

Data Retrieval Tool Instructions

E-Rate FRN Status Tool FY2016+

The E-Rate FRN Status Tool FY2016+ provides the latest funding request number (FRN) data including: applicant/BEN data; service provider data; FRN status; service type; service start and end dates; FRN costs and funding amounts; FCC Form 473 – Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) status; application pending reasons; FCC Form 486 status; wave date; Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) comments; last post commitment/appeal wave data; service delivery and invoice deadlines; invoicing mode; and total disbursement amount. Each row in the data set is for a single FRN.

E-Rate FRN Status Tool FY2016+ Video Walkthrough

E-Rate Search Commitments Tool

This tool allows users to search commitments data from FCC Form 471 applications starting in Funding Year 2016 (FY2016). Users can filter and export a detailed funding report to different formats (e.g., CSV for Excel) as well as explore the data through various summary charts.

E-Rate Window Reporting Tool

This tool provides the latest data from the E-Rate FCC Form 471 applications filed in the most recent application filing window. Users can filter and export a detailed window data report to different formats (e.g., CSV for Excel) as well as explore the data through various summary charts.

Archived: FRN Status Tool

This tool has been replaced by the E-Rate FRN Status Tool FY2016+

Program Deadlines Tool

This tool explains and calculates customary deadlines for E-Rate forms and actions based on information entered by the user.

Archived: Search Commitments

The tool has been replaced with the Open Data E-Rate Search Commitments Tool.

Entity and Service Provider Information

New Entity Search Tool (integrated with Open Data)

This tool allows users to view, filter, and download E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) entity data. The tool interfaces with the Supplemental Entity Information open dataset.

Entity Search Tool Video Walkthrough

New Service Provider Download Tool

This tool can be used to view and export Service Provider profile data found in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC). This data includes contact information and details regarding the FCC Forms 498, 499 and 473.

Archived: Service Provider Download Tool

The tool has been replaced with the New Service Provider Download Tool.

Archived: FCC Form 498 ID Status Tool

This tool is no longer available. Applicants must log in to the EPC portal and navigate to their FCC Form 498 to check their form status. Service Providers should continue to check their FCC Form 498 status in the E-File system.

How to search FCC Form 498 Status in EPC:
Navigate to EPC > Records > FCC Forms 498

  • Enter your FCC Form 498 ID and click Search
  • FCC Form 498 link appears, along with the status

Archived: SPIN Search Tool

Service Provider information, including the status of the Service Provider’s Annual Certification (SPAC), can be found in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) or using the Service Provider Download Tool.

Archived: Entity Search Tool; Entity Download Tool

To search and download entity data, please use the new Entity Search Tool on USAC’s Open Data website.

Archived: Urban/Rural Status Lookup; Urban/Rural Reports by State

To search and download urban/rural data, please use the new Entity Search Tool on USAC’s Open Data website.

Category Two Budget Tools

FY2021+ Category Two Budget Tool

This tool is designed to assist applicants in determining their Category Two budgets for each five-year cycle beginning with the first budget cycle, which starts in FY2021 and ends in FY2025.

FY2021+ Category Two Budget Tool Dataset Glossary
FY2021+ Category Two Budget Tool video tutorial

Archived: FY2020 Category Two Budget Tool

To access archived Category Two Budget data for FY 2020 please use the EPC portal.

FCC Form 470 Tools

E-Rate FCC Form 470 Download Tool (FY2016 and later)

The E-Rate FCC Form 470 Download Tool can be used to:

  • View and export FCC Form 470 data found in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) for Funding Year 2016 and onwards.
  • Download PDF versions of the FCC Form 470 (the latest form version either original or current) as well as any Request for Proposal (RFP) attachments.

E-Rate FCC Form 470 Download Tool

Use the E-Rate FCC Form 470 Download Tool in USAC’s Open Data platform to locate FCC Form 470 data and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents.

Archived: View an FCC Form 470 (FY2016 and later)

This tool provides copies of FCC Forms 470 and supporting documentation posted by applicants for Funding Year (FY) 2016 and later.

Archived: Download FCC Form 470 Information (FY2016 and later)

This tool allows downloads of summary information for service requests posted by applicants for FY2016 and later.

Archived: View an FCC Form 470 (FY2015 and prior); Download FCC Form 470 Information (FY2014 and FY2015 only)

To request archived FCC Form 470 information from FY2015 and prior, please contact us directly.

FCC Form 471 Tools

E-Rate Window Reporting

The Window Reporting tool provides the latest application window data for the most recent window that includes filters, visualizations, and a detailed report.

FCC Form 471 Download Tool (integrated with Open Data)

This tool enables users to search, view, and download FCC Form 471 data from FY2016 to present. It includes filtering capability across the seven FCC Form 471 datasets and includes original (certified) and current (committed) versions of each application.

FCC Form 471 Download Tool video walkthrough

Archived: View/Download FCC Forms 471 for FY2016 and forward (legacy platform); multiple tools for FY2015 and prior data

For FCC Form 471 data from FY2016 and forward, please use the Open Data tool above for data from FY2016 and forward.

To access FY2015 data related to FCC Form 471, please use the Data Retrieval Tool (DRT). If you cannot find needed data in the DRT, you can also contact us directly.

Post-Commitment Tools

Archived: View FRNs with Extended Deadlines

For service delivery and invoicing deadline data for FY2016 and forward, please use the E-Rate FRN Invoicing Deadline Tool located in the open data platform. To access deadlines for FY2015 and prior, please use the Data Retrieval Tool (DRT).

Invoicing Tools

E-Rate FRN Invoicing Deadline Tool

The E-Rate FRN Invoice Deadline Tool provides users with the ability to search, view, and download funding request number (FRN) data related to invoicing including the invoice deadline date, funds remaining for invoicing, and the invoicing mode (BEAR vs SPI). The underlying data set has FRNs for FY2016+ and is sunset off the FCC Form 471 FRN Status data set.

E-Rate FRN Invoicing Deadline Tool Video Walkthrough

E-Rate Invoice Disbursements Data Lookup Tool

This tool provides information on FCC Form 472 (BEAR Form) and FCC Form 474 (SPI Form) invoice line items for all funding years that USAC has reviewed and issued a payment decision on or after July 1, 2016.

E-Rate Invoices and Authorized Disbursements Dataset Glossary
E-Rate Invoice Disbursements Data Lookup Tool video tutorial